We also ship internationally. I have nothing but praise for their professionalism, work ethic and willingness to work with you to meet whatever needs you have. Upon request, medals can be cleaned, polished and lacquered, or plated. As described. Caixa de couro PU/caixa de plstico/caixa de papel/caixa de veludo etc. New Military Vanguard 4 Slot Full Size Ribbon Mounting Bar Rack Holder 1C1. Air Force I've had my medals court mounted by Martel's Medal Mounting a few times now, and it's always excellent work. Jin Sheu Enterprise fundada em 1984, uma fabricante lder de alfinetes de esmalte personalizados, marcadores de metal, medalhas e fitas militares, medalhes de bengalas, distintivos de polcia personalizados e distintivos de grade. Fornecemos vrias barras de metal individuais de tamanho existente que voc pode aplicar e personalizar suas barras de fita. Seven Ribbon Bar or Full Size Medal Holder 1/8" Spaced Mount, Five Ribbon Bar or Full Size Medal Holder 1/8" Spaced Mount, VANGUARD RIBBON MOUNTING BAR: 11 RIBBONS - METAL, Silver, Small, Three Ribbon Bar or Full Size Medal Holder - Brass, Six Ribbon Bar or Full Size Medal Holder 1/8" Spaced Mount, Traditional Military Slide-on Ribbons Bar Holder with Clutchback Support, One Ribbon Bar or Full Size Medal Holder - Brass, Four Ribbon Bar or Full Size Medal Holder 0" Spaced Mount, Six Ribbon Bar or Full Size Medal Holder 0" Spaced Mount, Eight Ribbon Bar or Full Size Medal Holder 1/8" Spaced Mount, 6 Ribbon or Medal 1/8th Inch Spacing Mounting Bar, Four Ribbon Bar or Full Size Medal Holder - Brass, Vanguard Ribbon Bar Holder 9 Ribbons - Military Ribbon Bar Rack, Silver, Four Ribbon Bar or Full Size Medal Holder 1/8" Spaced Mount, US Army Multi-Ribbon Bar with Space (18 Ribbons Staggered), Ribbon for Gift Wrapping Party Decoration, All customers get FREE Shipping on orders over $25 shipped by Amazon. Ribbon Mounting Bar: Base Bar - brass, single, clutch back, Five Ribbon Bar or Full Size Medal Holder 0" Spaced Mount. Shop products from small business brands sold in Amazons store. Add to Cart Vanmount ribbon mount - metal holder for 6 ribbons. Great communication, quick turnaround, and professional service. Purchase a Military Uniform Supply GIFT CARD and let your friends and family pick out what they would like to have. - A parte de trs pode ser alfinete de segurana ou embreagens de borboleta Free shipping. Anualmente, fornecemos 30 a 35 relatrios de teste de matrias-primas diferentes para provar que nossos produtos esto em conformidade com a referncia dos regulamentos dos EUA e da UE. Medal Framing. Issued Medals & Ribbons WWII Militaria Medals & Ribbons, German Issued Medals & Ribbons WWI Militaria Medals & Ribbons, ARMY MULTI RIBBON BAR 19S METAL 1-124. Holds 3 Ribbons. For Traditional Military Slide-on Ribbons. This is the most common method used for historic medals, however this is not the current regulation. Merchant Marines Thin Military Ribbons "Thin Mount" ribbons are hand crafted and assembled per your directions. Coast Guard $10.20. After viewing product detail pages, look here to find an easy way to navigate back to pages you are interested in. $5.20. At Army Surplus World we have military ribbon bars for 1 ribbon up to 26 ribbons. $6.37 Miniature Medal Mounting Bar - 4 medals Sku: M6AA Authentic Miniature Medal Mounting Bar - 4 meda. Copyright 2022 Martels Metal Mounting Inc. You are leaving Martels Medal Mounting website. Ribbon Mounting Bar: 5 Ribbons - black metal $7.40 Ribbon Mounting Bar: 6 Ribbons - black metal $7.50 Ribbon Mounting Bar: 7 Ribbons - black metal $8.10 Ribbon Mounting Bar: 8 Ribbons - black metal $8.30 Ribbon Mounting Bar: 9 Ribbons - black metal 1/8" spacing $8.40 Ribbon Mounting Bar: 10 Ribbons - black metal 1/8" spacing $8.90 This amount is subject to change until you make payment. Nossa fbrica na China passa nas auditorias e obtm autorizao da Disney, McDonald's e Sedex. Open Description Open Description 13 Dislike Share Save Civil Air Patrol. Vanguard RIBBON MOUNTING BAR: 12 RIBBONS - METAL, Silver, Small 64 10 offers from $9.50 VANGUARD Ribbon MOUNTING BAR: 10 Ribbons - Metal 81 5 offers from $9.05 Vanguard Ribbon Bar Holder 9 Ribbons - Military Ribbon Bar Rack, Silver 94 3 offers from $10.40 MilitaryBest 11 Ribbon Bar Holder 19 1 offer from $8.89 11 Ribbon or Medal Mounting Bar 2 We have also had the honour of mounting the medals of the Lieutenant-Governor General of Alberta in 2005.Defence Medals Canada offers the buyer a large selection of the following goods and services: Full and Miniature Medals, Ribbons, Devices, Medal Accessories, and Medal Mounting Services.We do have the capability to do bulk mounting for larger groups as well as organizations, upon approval. Swing Mounting Medals (WWII and earlier): Medals are sewn to a brooch or pin bar and allowed to swing freely. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. Ribbon Mounting Bars. International rates are determined at the time of shipping based on the method chosen and will incur a charge for the difference between the rate charged at the time the order is placed. All Rights Reserved. Feel free to mail your ribbons to us at the following address or contact us with any questions at the following phone number or e-mail address: Copyright 2011-2015. View cart for details. USPS First Class Mail International / First Class Package International Service. Fantastic Item!! - Pequena quantidade aceitvel.Jin Sheu uma fita militar de alta qualidade e barras de montagem militar, alfinetes de lapela, moedas de desafio, medalhas e medalhes, chaveiros, cortinas de fita de medalhas militares, emblemas automotivos de emblemas de grade de carro, presentes de golfe personalizados, remendos tecidos, remendos bordados, remendos de couro e Fabricante de etiquetas de Taiwan desde 1984. ARMY MULTI RIBBON BAR 19S R-L METAL 1-124RL. Barras de montagem Our medal mounting service is accessed via our showroom or by registered mail. Copyright 2023 Medals of America. Alfinetes de lapela promocionais e distintivos de alfinetes, Medalhas militares personalizadas e cortinas de fita, Fitas militares e barras de montagem militar, Abotoaduras/botes de punho personalizados, Barras de gravata/grampos de gravata personalizados, Alfinetes de lapela com prendedor de gravata, Distintivos de grade de carro/emblemas automotivos, Clipes de dinheiro de metal personalizados, Anis de campeonato e anis do Super Bowl, Placas de identificao de metal e placas de identificao de alumnio, Cartes postais de metal personalizados e miniplacas de carro, Etiquetas de identificao de animal de estimao, Estojos e porta-cartes de visita no atacado, Canudos reutilizveis de ao inoxidvel para bebidas, Estnceis de caf para ferramentas de decorao, Batentes decorativos de metal para livros e estantes, Chaveiro abridor de porta Touch Free com caneta, Cabides para Bolsas, Cabides para Bolsas para Mesas, Argolas de guardanapo/Argolas de guardanapo, Clipes de papel de metal / clipe de papel de arame / clipe dobrvel, Sinais de estanho/placas de metal/placas de carros, Medalhas/emblemas/moedas de liga de zinco e muito mais, Patch militar bordado personalizado e patch policial, Patches do time do colgio de Chenille & Letterman, Patches de Unidade do Exrcito e Patches de Classificao do Exrcito, Patch de bordado personalizado em tecido Minky, Ferro personalizado em patches hologrficos, Etiquetas de roupas impressas personalizadas, Aplicaes acolchoadas e puxadas de zper de tecido tranado, Cordo para sublimao de tinta e cordo para impresso por transferncia trmica, Alas de pescoo de nilon e cordes de imitao de nilon, Lanyards personalizados com cores reflexivas, Cordes para porta-crachs de carteira de identidade, Faixa de pescoo multiuso e cordes promocionais, Itens promocionais de borracha macia de PVC, Chaveiros de bonecos de PVC 3D e miniaturas de borracha, Alfinetes de lapela de PVC de borracha macia, Patches personalizados de PVC macio e etiquetas de borracha, Clipes de papel de PVC macio personalizados, Capas para chaves e estojos para chaves de carro em PVC, Pulseira e pulseira desinfetante para as mos personalizadas, Tigelas dobrveis de silicone para animais de estimao, Almofadas de lambedura de alimentao lenta de silicone para ces, Capas protetoras de silicone para bolas de golfe, Clipes magnticos de silicone para chapus de golfe, Jogos americanos de silicone personalizados, Formas de Silicone e Bandejas para Cubos de Gelo, Correia de extenso de mscara e protetores de orelha de silicone, Amostras de cores e texturas de couro, tcnicas de branding para personalizao, Correias e cintos de couro personalizados, Carteiras de distintivo da polcia de couro, Porta-passaportes de couro com logotipo personalizado, Etiquetas promocionais de bagagem de couro, Clutch de couro para documentos e pasta para arquivos de couro, Porta-garrafas e bolsas de vinho de couro, Clipes de dinheiro de couro personalizados, Porta lenos de papel de couro com impresso de logotipo, Carteiras, bolsas e porta-cartes de couro, Tapete de mesa e almofada de mesa de escritrio de couro, Marcadores de livros de couro e marcadores de canto, Porta-carto de pontuao de golfe de couro personalizado, Chaveiro porta desinfetante para as mos de couro, Manga para copos e porta-garrafas de couro, Porta-fichas de lembrana e palhetas de guitarra, Mscara promocional para dormir com logotipo personalizado, Chaveiros promocionais de hotel e chaveiros de motel, Mangas de brao esportivas UV promocionais, Pulseiras elsticas personalizadas para amarrar o cabelo, Tigela dobrvel prova d'gua para alimentos e gua para animais de estimao, Presilhas personalizadas para nmero de corrida e maratona, Escovas de cabelo desembaraantes com logotipo personalizado, Resfriadores de latas de neoprene/suportes atarracados, Refrigeradores de garrafa de vinho de neoprene, Porta-hlice de bolso de neoprene e chaveiro porta-chapstick, Acessrios personalizados para bolas de golfe em neoprene, PORTA-PICOLE DE NEOPRENE e mangas personalizadas para picol, Capas de neoprene para cintos de segurana e alas de bagagem, Capas de bagagem personalizadas prova de poeira, Coleiras e trelas para animais de estimao, Carteiras com porta-cartes adesivas para celular, Apoio de dedo para suportes de anel para celular, Suporte elstico para segurar o dedo para telefone, Adesivo mgico para celular e suporte para telefone, Limpador de tela pegajoso dobrvel e suporte mvel, Suporte magntico para celular para carro, Almofada de carregamento sem fio de PVC macio personalizado, Limpador de tela de telefone impresso personalizado, Estojos personalizados de silicone para AirPods, Trofus personalizados de prmios de metal, Trofus personalizados de prmios em poliresina, Alfinetes de lapela de acrlico personalizados, Molduras para fotos com blocos de acrlico transparente, Informaes de pedido para seus pins personalizados, Cores Pantone nas artes dos seus produtos promocionais, Mtodos de pagamento para suas moedas personalizadas, Barra de fita de medalha de servio personalizado, Barras de montagem em rack de servio personalizado. Welcome home and I look forward to continue working with Martel's Medal Mounting for all my Medal Needs. Our attention to detail ensures you . After a negative experience in the past with a different medal mounting service, Im very particular about who I give my medals to. Barras de montagem Sale price $1.99 USD. 5 Ribbons Ribbon Mount $4.00. Your recently viewed items and featured recommendations, 6 Rolls Sheer Chiffon Ribbon Organza Satin Ribbon, 6 Rolls Sheer Chiffon Ribbon Organza Satin Ribbon Transparent Chiffon Ribbon for Wrapping Decorating Valentine's Day Wedding Birthday Bouquet Garland (Blue Series, 25 Yard Each Roll), 6 Rolls Sheer Chiffon Ribbon Organza Satin Ribbon Transparent Chiffon Ribbon for Wrapping Decorating Valentine's Day Wedding Birthday Bouquet Garland (Purple Series, 25 Yard Each Roll), 6 Rolls Sheer Chiffon Ribbon Organza Satin Ribbon Transparent Chiffon Ribbon for Wrapping Decorating Valentine's Day Wedding Birthday Bouquet Garland (Blue Series, 50 Yard Each Roll). shipping, and ez rack builder items excluded), Mounting Bar - fits 6 Navy miniature medals, Mounting Bar - fits 9 Navy miniature medals, Mounting Bar - fits 10 Navy miniature medals, Mounting Bar - fits 13 Navy miniature medals, Mounting Bar - fits 14 Navy miniature medals, Mounting Bar - fits 15 Navy miniature medals, Ribbon Mounting Bar: 4 Army Citations - black metal, Ribbon Mounting Bar: 5 Army Citations - black metal, Ribbon Mounting Bar: 6 Army Citations - black metal, Ribbon Mounting Bar: 7 Army Citations - black metal, Ribbon Mounting Bar: 8 Army Citations - black metal, Ribbon Mounting Bar: 4 Ribbons - black metal, Ribbon Mounting Bar: 5 Ribbons - black metal, Ribbon Mounting Bar: 6 Ribbons - black metal, Ribbon Mounting Bar: 7 Ribbons - black metal, Ribbon Mounting Bar: 8 Ribbons - black metal, Ribbon Mounting Bar: 9 Ribbons - black metal 1/8" spacing, Ribbon Mounting Bar: 10 Ribbons - black metal 1/8" spacing. How to Mount Ribbons 999 views Jul 22, 2019 Quick little video showing you the way to properly mount your ribbons. If you want your (or your relatives) medals treated with care and respect, these are the folks to work with. Quantity. Please enter your email address below to create account. The quality has always been excellent. I received a high quality product in return and will be utilizing his services again in the future. I recommend seller!!! Their work is amazing. After a negative experience in the past with a different Medal Mounting Bar Rack Holder 1C1 6! Accessed via Our showroom or by registered Mail Disney, McDonald 's e.. Back to pages you are interested in Our Medal Mounting Bar Rack Holder 1C1, this... Professionalism, work ethic and willingness to work with you to meet needs! Are sewn to a brooch or pin Bar and allowed to swing.! Current regulation with Martel 's Medal Mounting service, Im very particular about who give! 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